You should never only look at Shopify analytics, and this is why!
Because not every measure in Shopify's built-in analytics is correct, we do not recommend focusing solely on Shopify. This is not to say that Shopify's analytics is flawed; on the contrary, their data is really important! However, there are occasions when it is beneficial to use your own data arsenal, and we will explain why and where to look in this blog.
Let’s talk about website sessions!
Website sessions are a fantastic approach to tracking traffic and your website’s general popularity. Did you know that this parameter is also utilized to calculate your conversion rate?
Orders / Sessions = Conversion rate
Conversion rate is a helpful indicator for determining the overall performance of your website and marketing activities. As a result, for the conversion rate to be credible, sessions and orders must be accurate.
Here comes the punchline…
Sessions in Shopify analytics are not entirely accurate.
Why do you ask? Well, let me explain!
Shopify’s analytics miscounts sessions… For example, when purchasing a shirt from a website. First, you go to their website (Shopify Session counter: 1). Second, you go to the cart and click ‘Check out,’ and you are redirected to the payment provider’s checkout page. Following payment, you are sent to the cart page (Shopify session counter: 2).
See… Shopify duplicated the sessions, even though this was one session. As a result, Shopify will show a conversion rate that is much lower than it should be.
Well, how do we fix this?!
It is pretty easy… If you use the session from Google Analytics, you will always have the right amount! But this means you have to calculate it manually. Another fix could be writing your own software and collecting data. But the best option is to read our vision below and decide based on that!
Our vision
Shopify’s bread and butter are: E-commerce and tracking customer and order data. In contrast, Google Analytics’s craft is tracking internet traffic. Therefore, always get data from different platforms, and combine these to track the right metrics with the correct values!
You can manually calculate some metrics on your own, but this is time-consuming, and so is writing your own software. And if you cannot write your software, you will need to acquire someone to do it for you, which can also be expensive. Besides this, you are required to safely store consumer data, which can be a legal liability if not done correctly.
Billy Grace combines data from different platforms to create one outlet with all the correct data and metrics. By using this: businesses can track valid data and create acceleration goals based on this.
No matter what you decide, we will always be here posting exciting articles about the world of digital marketing and its trends and developments.